How you can help - £10 will buy us 4 square metres of land; £30 will buy 12 sqm, and £100 will get us 40 sqm.


We aim to buy between 8 and 20 acres of land. After buying the land we will have costs to get it up and running as a natural burial site. Can you help us bring this Sanctuary into being?

Please help us raise money to buy the land for the Tara Sanctuary and Natural Burial Ground; a beautiful resting place for loved ones and a wildlife sanctuary for future generations to enjoy.

A place to allow death to bring soulful connection: connection with the land; connection between the generations; and connection with the preciousness and fragility of life.

In our society we have lost connection with the land, bringing a loss of community and the sense of belonging. We are also deeply disconnected from death as part of life.

Tara Sanctuary aims to create a beautiful and soulful place for burials, visiting graves, resting, being with death, reflecting and meditating. It will ultimately become a nature reserve, creating a legacy for future generations – a place of beauty to be enjoyed by your grandchildren and their grandchildren.