We’ll benefit the environment with biodiversity, tree planting and a low carbon infrastructure
The site will be developed as a nature reserve. Possible habitats include woodland pasture (space for a few trees to grow to maturity, surrounded by wildflower meadow), woodland (deciduous), wildflower meadows, orchards and coppice.
Tree planting
Tree planting could help us achieve a zero or minus carbon footprint. It will be possible to plant a tree or shrub in memory of someone buried there, and also to sponsor a tree for someone buried elsewhere, for a birth, or just as a gift to the land and project. Tree planting days could allow people to get involved, get fit, and learn more about trees and land care.
Natural burial
Natural burial – otherwise known as ‘green’ burial – is being buried with minimum impact on the environment. There are a number of factors, such as using only natural materials for coffins, and not using chemicals to artificially preserve the body.
Eco-friendly burials and funerals
We will work towards providing simple, beautiful and eco-friendly facilities, independent of mains services where possible, using solar and wood-powered technology, compost toilets etc.
Initially, ceremonies would be in canvas structures, with wood-burners in winter. In the longer term, we might seek planning permission for a low-impact building. We will build up all necessary equipment and aim for it to be stored on site, with only food and other consumables brought in, thereby keeping the use of diesel to a minimum.
Safeguarding the land for the future
The project is a registered charity which will own the land freehold. The land will, therefore, be protected to some extent by charity legislation and the Charity Commission. On purchase, a covenant will be appended to the land deeds to stipulate its continuation as a nature reserve and retreat site into the future, when there is no longer space for further burials.
A proportion of the money given for each burial will be invested in an endowment fund for future maintenance of the land.
“What good luck!
Bitten by
this year’s mosquitoes too.”